Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Negotiations & Love Songs

My new show opening at La Familia Gallery has been a long yet mostly fun project. The first piece was created two years ago as a sketch and the last 5 x 7 collage in the series finished last month. However, getting the show catalog laid out and printed was still ahead and then hanging all 50 pieces a challenge as well; the show has become more of an installation than I had imagined and I love it.

A consultation with Swisscake last week led to a scramble the last few days but as I said yesterday evening, "Ah, god love ya Misses P; I do believe it's working".

Oh, I thought I heard the Ol' Man say,
Tomorrow ye will get your pay,
An it's time for us to leave her!
The work wuz hard an' the voyage wuz long,
Leave her, Johnny, Leave her!
The sea was high an' the gales wuz strong.
An it's time for us to leave her!
-Leave Her Johnny

(If you hate Irish Banter, jump to 2:20)

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