Wednesday, August 18, 2010

September Show Final Countdown

Negotiations and love songs
Are often mistaken for one and the same
-Train in the Distance

With my September show at La Familia just two weeks away I am finalizing my layout and double checking all the details that go with a larger show.
Postcards have arrived, show title lettering has been ordered for the wall, a box of catalogs (edition of 25 hardcover with each showpiece and a bit more) is at this moment chasing the sunset west to rendezvous with me on Friday.
And then of course, the mailings, both electronic and analog.
I am really excited for the show; I hope you will be too.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on such an awesome show James! So PROUD of you! Wish we could have been there to celebrate your success with you,but I know it was AMAZING!
    Love, Clara, Tim, and Sariah
