Thursday, July 22, 2010

Absolutely Sweet Marie

Well, I waited for you when I was half sick
Yes, I waited for you when you hated me
Well, I waited for you inside of the frozen traffic
When you knew I had some other place to be
Now, where are you tonight, sweet Marie?

Well, I got the fever down in my pockets
The Persian drunkard, he follows me
Yes, I can take him to your house but I can’t unlock it
You see, you forgot to leave me with the key
Oh, where are you tonight, sweet Marie?

Absolutely Sweet Marie by Bob Dylan, watchmen by caudledmilk

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Your cracked country lips
I still wish to kiss
As to be under the strength of your skin

This was a nice article on how scientists at the Center for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France used X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy to analyze the amounts of which pigments were used by Leonardo to create his works. Which means within six months there will be a $100 set of "the paints that painted the Mona Lisa". Three months after that there will be a flood of new work inducted into the MOBA.

Photo from the AP, lyrics of "To Ramona" by Bob Dylan,
sarcasm courtesy of Caudled Milk

Everything passes
Everything changes
Just do what you think you should do
And someday maybe
Who knows, baby
I’ll come and be cryin’ to you

Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's like a "heat wave"

You have got to love it; 24 hours of temps above 90 and the city goes mad. Three days and the place becomes Babylon.

Rougher than rough.
Tougher than tough.
Strong like lion
We are iron.
Rudies dont fear now boys,
Rudies dont fear.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Still Crazy After All these Years

And we talked about some old times
And we drank ourselves some beers
Still crazy after all these years
Oh, still crazy after all these years

Photos by Amber Giacone.